
Debra Robertson APM - Chief Executive Officer

Reporting to the Board of Directors, Debra leads the development and execution of VPL’s strategy in line with the organisation’s purpose and mission and is responsible for whole of business operations. Debra also oversees corporate governance, key stakeholder relationships and marketing / communications.

Contact Debra – Monday to Friday

Kerri Wellington - Operations Manager

Kerri oversees all Victoria Police Legacy welfare and support programs and events, providing supervision to Field Officers across family, youth & child and adult programs. Kerri is also responsible for program monitoring and evaluation to ensure that opportunities continue to be effectively provided to connect all police legatees with services.

Contact Kerri – Monday to Thursday

Michelle More - Finance Manager

Michelle has oversight of VPL’s finance functions including VPL’s investment portfolio and assists the CEO in areas of compliance and governance.

Contact Michelle – Monday to Wednesday

Erica McMahon - Events Coordinator

Erica coordinates VPL events including annual trips and getaways, regional lunches, outdoor hikes and the MCG Christmas Lunch. In addition, Erica manages accounts payable and provides administration support. Erica also works at the Victoria Police Academy part time.

Contact Erica – Wednesday to Friday

Eileen Keily - Field Officer

Eileen provides emotional and social support to Police Legatees through home visits, phone contact, hosted events such as local and regional lunches and annual getaways. Eileen also supports parents who have lost a child and police members facing imminent death or permanent prolonged disability.

Contact Eileen – Monday to Friday

Jennie Thorn - Field Officer

Jennie provides emotional and social support to Police Legatees through home visits, phone contact, hosted events such as local and regional lunches and annual getaways. Jennie also supports parents who have lost a child and police members facing imminent death or permanent prolonged disability. Jennie also works for Victoria Police part time.

Contact Jennie – Wednesday and Thursday

Andrea Lyons - Youth & Family Liaison Officer

Andrea provides emotional and social support to families with young children and our young adult legatees aged 18-25 years. Andrea also hosts events including the family retreat, kids camp and young adult trip plus parent dinners and other social connection activities for our families and young people.

Contact Andrea – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

Shane Donaldson - Youth Development & Engagement Coordinator

Shane supports the personal growth, skills, leadership and development of VPL Legatees with a focus on young people and Victoria Police Young Adult Legatees (VPAL's) in line with the VPL Youth Framework, including the delivery of key connection and development activities and events.

Contact Shane – Wednesday and Thursday

Bob Raaymakers APM - Community Engagement Coordinator

Bob's role is to engage with our Victoria Police community as well as take part in various awareness-raising events and fundraising activities.  Bob is a valuable link between Victoria Police Members, both serving and retired, and Victoria Police Legacy.

Contact Bob - Wednesday and Thursday

Sarah O'Connor - Marketing Coordinator

Sarah provides marketing and communications support for Victoria Police Legacy including social media and website management, content creation, email marketing and PR.

Contact Sarah - Monday to Thursday

Carol Jenkinson - Administration Support

Carol oversees our front office reception and administration functions. Carol also processes education grants applications, coordinates CARE magazine mailouts and assists with various events. Carol also maintains our IT systems including our website and client database.

Contact Carol – Monday to Friday

Paul McBride APM - Recruit Presentations/CEO Projects

Paul presents to new police & PSO recruits about the role of VPL and encourages members to join the Victoria Police Payroll Contributions scheme.  He also works on special projects as designated by the CEO.

Contact Paul